Kimmer: October 2006

Saturday, October 28, 2006

See the Morning

Currently listening to.... See the Morning....
click HERE to see the ecard which has
samples of each song and pics from the studio...

You wonder what the CD after a breakthrough CD like Arriving will be like.... I think we've all seen groups release projects after one we really connected with that did not seem to have the same level of intensity....but this is an equally wonderful & explorable collection of worship songs that does not disappoint :)
Thanks so much CTB!

To read an interview Chris gave to CBN recently, click HERE.

To read an recent interview with Christianity, click HERE..

Friday, October 27, 2006

Jeremy & Adie Camp Concert #1

Jeremy Camp was here this past week along with his wife Adie! They both have a new cd out. She did a few songs to open the evening and seemed very sweet.

After Adie sang, then it was time for Hawk Nelson. I was not familiar with them; they were from Canada. They must have had like 10 starbucks before they hit the stage because they were like bouncing all over the walls, a ton of energy.

(The venue they happened to be at for some reason has really bad acoustics. I hadn't been there in so long I'd forgotten that. I wish I could have heard the words to both Adie and HawkNelson's songs better, but that's just the way it goes sometimes.)

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Jeremy & Adie Camp Concert #2

Among other songs Jeremy sang Beautiful one, This Man, Lay Down My Pride, Take You Back, & Breathe, Walk by Faith, & some songs off of his new cd – Tonight, Beyond Measure, Give Me Jesus

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Jeremy & Adie Camp Concert #3

At the end for the encore, Jeremy and Adie came out and sang a few more acoustic worship songs which was a great way to end the evening.

It was great to see them sing together :)
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Monday, October 16, 2006

Our God Reigns

there is a new blog up for intested blogetters who want to celebrate God and what He is doing &have fellowship together
This kimmer page will go back to being my personal blog (which you are always welcome to visit) and the blog Our God Reigns can be a new place of fellowship for people who wish to connect from former blogs :)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Waiting on God

Last Sunday night the sermon was on Waiting on God...
taken mostly from I Sam 11:1-15

1. Waiting & Ripening
Why does God make us wait?
Scripture is filled with examples of people waiting on God...
God has designed waiting for our benefit, not our punishment.
While we are waiting, God is working. God is never late, never too early, He always moves in His time, when the time is ripe. He brings about events for the exact results and the exact right time that He desires. God ripens the time and the circumstances to accomplish His will.
Gal 4:4 - but when the time had fully come...
Ripened fruit is so much better than unriped fruit. God says, wait for Me. Dont get ahead of God, wait on His timing.

2. Waiting & Working
sometimes we think of waiting on God like 'waiting by the phone'. doing nothing but waiting. But Biblical waiting on God is not passively waiting; Saul didn't just sit there, he was working. What are you doing with your life right now? It is alot easier to steer a car that is moving.
Biblical waiting is actively doing whatever the Lord gives us to do and looking to God to ripen the circumstances.
It is a confident, expectant, hoping.

3. Waiting & Receiving v6-10
As Saul's time of waiting progressed, he became more sensitive to the Spirit of God .... he was designated, elected, annointed, and yet he had to wait to be king until it was God's timing. Some of the things this time was used for, were to draw him closer to the Lord and to instill boldness in him. So much of the will of God is in the timing of God and waiting for the right time. He uses it to prepare us for His plan. Is 40- expectant waiting on Him... they will be given strength; there is something profound that can happen during the waiting.

4. Waiting & the Winning v11-15
Saul became more gracious waiting for God to ripen the moment. Saul waited on the Lord and God's promises were fulfilled.

It is very important to remember that while we are waiting on Him, God is working.

The Names of God - Holy One of Israel

My pastor has been doing a series on Wed nights on the Names of God. This past week it was on - Qedosh Yisrael - Holy One of Israel. It is mostly used in the book of Isaiah. In it the people were living corrupt lives and which made them estranged from fellowship with God, because He is Holy. However the heart of God is that His people would be in fellowship with Him. Is. 6:3 the seraphim call out to each other Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. This is the only description of God repeated in this manner 3 times in a row. It is as if to say He is Holy before He is anything else; His Holiness is not just an attribute of God, it is the essence of His nature; He is perfect in purity and righteousness, perfection and moral integrity. His way is perfect without flaw or error; He is unique, like no one else. v.4-5 instantly standing before God, Isaiah is made aware of his own sinfulness. There is a place for that in our relationship with the Lord and in our prayer life. Is He our friend? yes. but He is also the High exalted Holy One of Israel. v6-7 think about it, the coal of fire on his lips must have been painful -- as true repentance is.

I Peter 1:14-16 - As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: Be holy, because I am holy.

We can only be holy because of the cross. But we have a responsibility after we have been saved to see that we are walking in holiness. We are responsible when we go to God in prayer to first make sure we are right with Him and have repented, renounced, and turned away from our sins. We must do our part in that. You do not approach a holy God in a flippant manner. Each time you begin a time of prayer, ask Him to bring to mind actions, attitudes, and things you've done which are not pleasing to Him and repent of them. That doesn't just mean being sorry. It means changing direction. This is a significant part of our walk with God. Search your heart, ask Him to reveal things to you, repent of sin, consider His holiness, and ask Him to restore you.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Third Day Concert - part 1

Third Day was in Springfield last Friday! I wish Crowder would have been with them but that's ok, it was nice to see two new groups, Hyperstatic Union & Leeland. Ok these pics are a little better than the Chris Tomlin Band Tulsa pics, but not much... let's just say you still need to 'embrace the grain' .

Ok let me just show you this first pic to illustrate 2 questions.... wouldn't you think the 7th row should look closer than this? And why am I often surrounded by really tall people with really big heads at concerts? Personally I'd like some promoter to experiment with selling seats by height and giving the shorter people seats in the front so that everyone can see .... anyway you can see the lights are really cool if you look past the sea of tall heads..... hehe :)

Hyperstatic Union opened and it was the first time I'd seen them. I liked their sound and they threw in a little Stevie Wonder boogie at the end which was fun.

Leeland was next, a young group of guys (17-18) ...I was impressed with their spirit of worship and musical ability (this is the only pic that came out or I'd show the rest of the band)

Here you can again see the cool lights, the overall stage, and quite clearly the large heads.... hehe...oohhh wellll, at least this guy looks like he's being sweet to his girlfriend :)

Third Day Concert - part 2

Third Day was great and they played their hearts out :) Songs they sang included God of Wonders, Show Me Your Glory, Creed (I Believe), Your Love Oh Lord, Mountain of God, Cry Out to Jesus, Thief, Nothing at all, Come Together, AgnesDei/Worthy, You are so Good to Me, Sing a Song, I Can Feel It, Just to be with You, and Light at the End of This Tunnel for You.

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Third Day Concert - part 3

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Third Day Concert - part 4

They did an acoustic set...

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Third Day Concert - part 5

Mac said several times we sure weren't the largest crowd they'd played for this tour but that we were one of the most enthusiastic :) They came back for an encore of 3 songs and even then seemed like they weren't quite ready to leave the stage. I'm sure if it was up to us, we'd have wanted them to just keep on playing! Great night of worship & music :)

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