Hello Love - update 9/16
(to listen, first click on pause on the pop up player to the right of my blog)
Looking forward to hearing and learning about these songs...
Update- 9/16 - OK I've had this cd for over two weeks now...
and can I say, I'm just lovin it?! :)
Love the old songs, love the new...
Love the more musically complex, and the simpler ones too
I have loved hearing about how they came to be
They all have become stuck in my head at this point....
one is usually in the back of my mind.
Keep thinking of the lyrics to so many, and the tunes too.
I could list them but it would be all of them, so that would be silly.
This cd is different than previous ctb collections, but worth the wait!
each song is special in it's own way and I can't wait till we start worshipping with some of them in church!
Thanks to the CTB & co. for another great set of worship songs! :)