ok I did something a tad impulsive today.... I brought home a stray puppy! Some guys at work talked me into going and looking at them (what was i thinking). Someone had dumped several pups right by the side of a farm road this morning. I dont know how someone could do that. I guess they were hoping someone would take them home (someone like me). One of the guys drove me over to look at them and of course she captured my heart. She looked a different breed than the rest, she was long haired and has these cute floppy sheltie like ears and by far the most social; the others wouldnt get close enough to pet them but she was very snuggly and playful although a bit shy. I kept thinking ... she is so cute! but i wonder if she'll turn out to be a huge dog. I really want another indoor dog but I dont think a huge dog in the house is a good idea. If she'd just only grow a little bit she'd be a great size... but i have a feeling she is going to be big... I couldnt just leave her there though, we found one of the other pups had been hit and killed down the road aways during the day today. Plus tonight we had storms with golf ball size hail forecasted; they are thundering by now. i hate to think of any of those pups out there but I sure couldnt bring all of them! (I'm already thinking- what was I thinking?) So tomorrow I'm going to try and take her to the vet and see if they can tell me what they think she is and how big she'll get. She's pretty calm so far and was really good riding in the car, but she is not house broken. She keeps seeing her reflection in the stove and I think she thinks its another puppy. She seems pretty smart, she did not know 'yes' or 'no' when i brought her home-- but she seems to be catching on already to yes and no which is kind of incredible. I dont think she'd ever been given a toy before, i gave her one of casey's old toys and she didnt know what to do with it at first.... then she kind of figured it out and played with it for about an hour once she realized it would squeak. It was really cute. She was sticking to me like glue when we first got home, but now she's starting to explore the house now. She's very responsive to voices -- she smiles and wags her tail if you talk or sing to her. ahh now she is laying down next to me. I really hope she plans on sleeping tonight...really hope so... ;) ok so I honestly think she is probably going to be too big to keep.... but what the guy at work talked me into was that if the vet says she is going to be big- i could take her to a shelter and she will stand a very good chance of getting adopted because she is a puppy, very cute, and so social and friendly. So we'll see tomorrow. And I'm going to see Third Day tomorrow night in KC so this is not the most convenient time to do this, but I found someone to watch her tomorrow night. At this point I'm trying very hard to think of her as a temporary guest. she didnt look this big on the side of the road, she's looking a lot bigger now that I see her in the house....we'll see what the vet says tomorrow; at least if it doesnt work out for me to keep her, she is inside for a few nights, wont get hit by a car and she will have a good opportunity to find a family. ahh she is asleep now. funny, she is laying in the same spot Casey always liked to lay in... here's a pic of her sleeping. Dang she's cute.
kimmer, i don't think she's going to be big. she looks like maybe part Pom. she has a little Pom snout, and her paws aren't really bigger than the rest of her. she does kind of look like a sheltie too. i think it was destiny for you to find her!
She is so cute. Has a little of Rory in her face andthe vet thinks Rory is part Pomeranian/Corgi and Red Heeler .I agree with Sunny there.
I can't fathom people dumping animals like that. Poor little one getting killed.
yup, i don't think she'll be a big 'un. so, kimmer, did you sleep? or did little Destiny keep you awake? ;)
haha! did I sleep well?...yes and no! i slept a little and she whimpered every now and then (I had her in a crate cage with bedding next to my bed) she only got loud once and then i got up around 4 and loved on her bunch, then she was fine and completely quiet for several hours. she was all cute and snuggly when i got up this morning ... my friend who is going to watch her for me the next day or so while i'm seeing third day in kc -- now she seems to think the dog is part golden ret and part chow mix and that it will end up being about 50-60 lbs (fairly large?) so I really have no clue! the pup seems has a very good sweet disposition though. I'll see what the vet says on Monday... and we'll see where to go from there. Monday was the soonest I can get her in to the vet. So I'll have her back Sat night and Sunday. and today its off to Kansas City!!! Third Day in a fairly small church!
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