There is a statement made about David that was never made about anyone else in the Bible. In Acts 13:22 -
I have found in David to be a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.What made this true of David – how can we cultivate this into our lives, so He can accomplish what He wants in our lives for His glory?
1. David was a man who had a Sensitive Heart
a. He was sensitive to the things God was concerned about
- When God let Saul know that He was choosing David, what it is that was the issue to God? By what did He compare David and Saul? Saul was not obedient.
I Sam 13:14 -
But now your kingdom shall not continue. The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be prince over his people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you.We have to say Lord, what is important to You is important to me. The written Word of God, the prompting of the Holy Spirit, when God speaks to you, if you know its from Him – saying yes, I’ll do these things You've revealed to me to the best of my ability. What You ask I’ll do.
b. He was also sensitive to the character of God – Who God is.
In Psalm 24:1-2 David illustrates that he knows everything belongs to God. I Chronicles 29:10-12 David says all is Yours in the heavens and earth…..You are exalted above all, all things come from You…. David understood that everything created and all he had belonged to God.
Ps 51:1-2 – David also understood about the character of God... that He was a forgiving God. David wasn’t perfect but he understood the merciful heart of God and wanted to manifest that quality of mercy in his own life and show mercy to others. II Sam 9:1
c. David’s heart was also sensitive to the voice of God
over and over again in scripture you see David being humble enough to seek God for direction on everything. I Samuel 23:2 ; v9-12. Before he makes a move, he asks God about it. I Samuel 30:8 - He always wants God’s direction in his life. I don’t want to make a decision without Your leading and blessing upon it.
II Sam 2:1 David inquired of the Lord – I don’t want to go anywhere You don’t want me to go or do anything that You don’t want me to do….
This is a sensitive heart which is pleasing to God and which He honors.
2. David had a Servant’s Heart
I Sam 16:11 – he was willing to serve with humility.
16:7 – the Lord looks at the heart, not as man looks (outward appearance, experience, worldly position). People around you may be overlooking you but God sees your heart. You can be sure of that! When the time is right He can set His hand on that situation in your life and bring blessing where you thought you were being overlooked.
16:22-23 David is serving in Saul’s court, however he can.
17:17-18 – here is David, not fighting, he is serving; that is where leadership is forged from. This serving may not have been the most exciting thing he could have done; he may have wanted to do more exciting things and felt he had more ability, but he did what he was asked to do. Be faithful to do what the Lord puts in front of you to do; He notices where you are serving.
Ps 89:20 God was looking for someone who would serve and God anointed David. Had David refused to water the sheep, he would not have gotten the training he needed…to kill lions and bears and eventually the confidence to know that with God’s help, he could kill Goliath. If you do the little things well, it can open the doors for bigger things…. It may not be what you expected, maybe you expected and wanted God to use you in a bigger way, in a larger role, but being a faithful servant in that thing can open the doors to be used of God. If we have a heart to serve God, He will open the doors in due time. What ever you can find to do to serve in a place, fill a need, be faithful and watch what God does.
3. David had a Sincere Heart
In Greek the work sincere means ‘without wax’. The origin is from pottery makers, those who were not reputable would try to disguise and fill cracks with wax to sell the pot, but the buyer would soon discover the uselessness of the cracked pot. Those pottery makers who were known to sell only quality merchandise, where known to sell pots ‘without wax’ – sincere. A trustworthy pot is sincere; being a person of integrity; being honest. You leave people with the impression you are honest, are you really honest when no one is looking? (example- If someone gives you too much change, do you bring it to their attention and give it back?)
Psalm 78:70-72.
70 He chose David his servant and took him from the sheep pens; 71 from tending the sheep he brought him to be the shepherd of his people Jacob, of Israel his inheritance. 72 And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them. God chose David because he had a sincere heart of integrity. Some of the great leaders in the Bible were shepherds. Lessons learned in times of serving in anonymity prepared them for the future God had in store for them; prepared them for the things He had for them to do.
Are you faithful in the details when no one is looking? Are you committed to saying I’m going to follow what God wants me to do, even when no one else sees it?
Psalm 15:1-4 V.4 – do you keep your commitments even when it hurts and it does not turn out to be what you thought you were signing up for? Someone who has an honest heart.... If I’ve given my word in a situation, even when it hurts and it does not turn out to be like I expected it would be, do I stay true to what I promised I would do?
In Psalm 139 David said
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Even when we think our heart is right with God, it is always good to remember to do this from time to time. Sometimes we don’t even know our own heart and we need to ask the Lord to search our heart, to touch our heart and reveal to us things He would like us to work on in our growth with Him. Pr 4:23 –
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Deal with hidden anger and bitterness you may have in your heart.
God isn’t looking for perfect people, but for Sensitive people, who want to Serve God, who have Sincere hearts...
Ask God to give you a heart to hear Him when He speaks. When Solomon asked God for wisdom, in the literal Hebrew – it meant' a heart to hear from God'.
(from one of my pastor's recent sermons)
Lord, help us to be people after Your heart~