That we all feel inadequate at different times but it can be a blessing. The blessing of realizing it and humbly acknowledging our inadequacy to God is that it:
• Relieves us of the burden of trying to accomplish things in our own strength. (Whatever He's called us to do- He takes full responsibility to enable us to do it, when we depend on Him)
• Frees God to use us to the maximum of our potential.
• Allows God to receive all the glory due Him.
• Enables us to walk in contentment and quietness of spirit.
hey Kimmer,
thanks for those words from the song that was uplifting, I have to get out of my pitty party and take some action, and just trust God, He knows but I am still at the place where when ever I think about it I cry, IT is just a shock and I need that feeling to leave, God is telling me something I just need to listen. I just do not know what to do now, show I just start my own landscape buisness, and do sitting /housecleaning and babysittng??? for the summer? I am going to be home from my house sitting job and this week just going to spend the day on my knees and praying for what I should do.
thanks for listening and praying.
I like Charels Stanly too.
thankyou for the devotional!! that was sweet. things are going ok. talked to my pastor and that was good, and I went throuhg my jobs and added stuff and I should be fine just need to be wise with my finances!! God is good and this is what He wants so I need to just trust Him.
Is`nt the Passion cd great???
Hi!! hope ya have a nice weekend.
and still a little in shock, sorry but am trusting God for sure. My Dad cakked and I told him He is not a christain, and He was concerned for me, that was nice but he has no concept of relying on God ya know? all my house cleaning jobs will tide me over am going to really see what God wants me to do, He gives and takes away, blessed be His name. there are so many opptions really out there for me. I have h-c, h-sitting , nannying, make jewelery, can garden for people on my own, so Dad on susnday is coming over to help with my buisness cards. this can be something God uses to bring my dad to Him??
talk later. and yeah, yesterday we had a storm here and I played uor God reigns up loud it was neat!!
Happy Resurrection day to you this great weekend!!! pray that you are enjoying yourself!!!!
shared on Sunnys blog but at church we were able to do a Laberenth. have you heard of that?
was special to walk the road so to speek of Christ leading up to the resurrection.moving!!
and I will try about the clips again, just want to see Him ya know as he talks...so wish me luck.
Kimmer,surprise!!!thought I'd check you blog.Have just listened to Louie's Passport part 2. It makes you want to tell everyone what Jesus has done in your life.I am going to email all the blogettes with a prayer request from a good friend of mine who works with an unreached people gruop.Hhe emailed me last night so I'll go and write now and get keith to show me how to send it to everyone at once.
love blue
Happy Easter to you both! - Eliz & Gail! I hope you have had a wonderful time of worship with the Lord this weekend! sounds like a very neat thing that you did at your church Eliz!
And Gail yes thank you for the information, I did pray for them today; please let us know when you hear about how things went there.
Thankful He is risen today!
Blessings to you both! :)
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